Possessing even a minor amount of a controlled substance can impose harsh and wide-ranging legal penalties if you are convicted. When you have been charged with possession, now is the time to start building a high-quality defense.
A Chesapeake drug possession lawyer could review the chain of events leading up to your charge to determine the most effective defenses to put to work on your behalf. A drug attorney can give your case the attention it deserves while actively working to mitigate the potential consequences associated with this extremely serious charge.
Drug possession is a serious offense to be charged with. A drug possession offense can be a misdemeanor or felony. Both misdemeanor and felony offenses can be punishable by jail time, fines, and other harsh penalties. Felony offenses carry longer and tougher sentences.
Whether or not a drug possession charge is classified as a misdemeanor or a felony will revolve around a few factors, including the type of substance and the quantity of the substance involved. When you have a prior criminal record, this could aggravate the potential sentence you may face if convicted. A Chesapeake attorney can help construct a defense specific to your situation and drug possession charge.
Drugs fall into six categories or schedules according to their potential for misuse, dependence, and acceptable medical use. For example, Schedule I drugs are substances that carry a considerable likelihood of abuse or misuse and do not have a valid medical purpose, such as ecstasy or heroin. Schedule II drugs include substances like cocaine and fentanyl.
Substances such as anabolic steroids are Schedule III drugs, while Schedule IV drugs include substances like sedatives and tranquilizers. Schedule V drugs, such as cough medications, carry a low possibility of misuse and have valid medical purposes. Schedule VI drugs include substances that can be misused even though they may not technically be drugs, such as inhalants.
A Chesapeake attorney can explain the nuances of your specific drug possession charge. When you are charged with drug possession with intent to distribute, the penalties increase. The penalties for drug possession alone can range from those of a Class 4 misdemeanor offense to a Class 5 felony, so the legal punishments vary considerably.
For example, when you are convicted of possessing a Schedule I drug, this is a Class 5 felony. The punishment can include up to 10 years in jail, as well as a financial penalty of $2,500.
When you are caught in possession of a Schedule III drug, this is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Even though misdemeanors always carry less harsh penalties than felonies, you could still spend up to one year in jail plus financial penalties.
A charge for drug possession may also be accompanied by other criminal charges, such as possession of drug paraphernalia. Depending on the type of substance involved, as well as the amount you were allegedly found with at the time of the arrest, you could be up against either misdemeanor or felony charges.
While felony charges carry steeper fines and jail time, both categories of offenses can change your life forever and leave you with a criminal record. A Chesapeake drug possession lawyer knows how much is at stake and what must be done to safeguard your rights and interests. Call our office today to receive your one-on-one consultation with an experienced defense attorney.
With an office near Town Center, Virginia Beach and a second location beside the Chesapeake courthouse, our team provides quality legal representation across the entire Hampton Roads Area.
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law