Drug charges are serious business and merit experienced legal representation. Anyone charged with drug distribution or a related crime should contact a Chesapeake drug distribution lawyer for assistance dealing with their case.
A conviction can result in serious consequences for a person’s livelihood. By hiring a practiced drug defense attorney to advise you, you gain an advocate in the legal process who can advance alternative explanations for the presence of drugs, question the legality of a police officer’s search and seizure, or argue for reduced charges. When it comes to sentencing, a good lawyer knows how to get their client the best possible deal—for example, treatment and rehabilitation rather than incarceration.
Drug distribution crimes are covered by Virginia Code § 18.2-248. Depending on the type of drug, its quantity, and the intent of the person in possession, drug distribution can be a felony or a misdemeanor. Drug distribution is considered a different crime than drug trafficking, which is covered by Virginia Code § 18.2-248.01.
Regardless of which drug crime a person has been charged with, a drug distribution lawyer in Chesapeake will challenge the government’s process and evidence, propose alternative theories, and push for reduced charges or a plea bargain where possible.
The penalties for drug distribution, formerly known as Possession with Intent to Distribute (P.W.I.D.), vary depending on the type of drug and amount in question. Marijuana distribution, up to one ounce, for example, is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor and can result in up to 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500.
Other controlled substances lead to much more serious consequences. For distribution, sale, or manufacturing of Schedule I or II substances, which includes cocaine, a first conviction can result in between five and 40 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000. For methamphetamine distribution, there is a mandatory minimum of three years consecutive sentence associated with conviction. An attorney in Chesapeake can determine the possible penalties of a specific drug distribution charge.
A drug conviction potentially stays on a person’s record for their entire life and can seriously affect their job, housing, and other prospects. This makes any criminal charge serious and not worth attempting to deal with without skilled legal representation. A seasoned Chesapeake lawyer has handled drug distribution cases previously and knows the best route for their client to take based on the evidence and facts at hand.
For a first-time, low-level offense, our lawyers might be able to get their client into treatment and rehabilitation, with the possibility of the charges being dropped when treatment is successfully completed. Our legal team might be able to engineer a plea bargain, where a person pleads guilty to a reduced charge and is spared the headache and stress of a trial. What is possible will depend on the details of each case and each client.
Call a Chesapeake drug distribution lawyer for a free consultation today. You do not want to risk your reputation and career by going to court to face serious charges without having quality representation on your side. A dedicated lawyer represents your best shot at navigating the legal process and dealing with a criminal charge with the least possible impact on your life and livelihood.
With an office near Town Center, Virginia Beach and a second location beside the Chesapeake courthouse, our team provides quality legal representation across the entire Hampton Roads Area.
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law