Dealing with insurance and obtaining vehicle repairs come to mind for most drivers after a car collision. However, drivers should be aware that state law imposes additional requirements on drivers at the scene of an accident. When you fail to meet these obligations, criminal penalties are possible and you need a traffic attorney on your side.
When you have been in a collision and leave the scene, a Chesapeake hit and run lawyer can help you identify whether you have met your legal obligations, communicate with the police, and assert your rights should you face criminal charges.
In any car crash, the driver has specific obligations. Virginia Code § 46.2-894 states the driver of a vehicle involved in any accident must immediately:
When the driver cannot complete these obligations because of injuries from the crash, they must provide all required information to the police as soon as reasonably possible. Moreover, the driver must make a reasonable effort to find the other driver involved in the accident and provide them with the information.
In a car accident that damages unattended property—for example, a single-car collision where a driver crashes into a fence or a parked car—Virginia Code § 46.2-896 requires the driver to make a reasonable effort to find the owner of the property and provide them with the driver’s information. When the driver cannot find the owner, they must leave a note in an obvious place with their name and contact information and report the accident to the authorities.
Each of these obligations applies regardless of whether the driver caused the accident, the amount of damage involved in the accident, or if the accident occurred on private property. Some of these obligations will require the driver to take different actions, depending on the situation. A Chesapeake attorney specializing in hit and run violations can help determine how these obligations apply to a specific scenario.
When a driver fails to meet any of their legal responsibilities, they may be charged with a crime. In this case, the driver should reach out to a hit and run lawyer in Chesapeake as soon as possible because, if convicted, the driver will be subject to criminal penalties.
In an accident that involves another person, the driver will be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if the total property damage is less than $1,000 and no one is injured.
For a driver in an accident that involves unattended property, the driver will be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor. However, when damage is less than $250, the individual will be guilty of a Class 4 Misdemeanor.
A person guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor could receive up to 12 months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500, or both. An individual guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor could receive a fine of up to $250.
In addition to the penalties above, when the accident involved property damage over $500, their driver’s license may be suspended for up to six months.
Car accidents can have serious consequences, including criminal repercussions. When you have been in a car accident, a hit and run attorney may be able to help you clarify your obligations and ensure you have acted appropriately.
When you have been in a collision and fled the scene, an attorney can help you communicate with the police, gather evidence, and help you prepare a defense. Call a Chesapeake hit and run lawyer at Parks Zeigler, PLLC, today.
With an office near Town Center, Virginia Beach and a second location beside the Chesapeake courthouse, our team provides quality legal representation across the entire Hampton Roads Area.
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law