i Elizabeth City Hit and Run Lawyer | Leaving an Accident Charge

Elizabeth City Hit and Run Lawyer

Many factors come into play with hit and run accidents. Not only is it an emotional situation, but sometimes, a person is falsely accused of causing a hit and run crash. When you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, contact a defense attorney to discuss your case.

A seasoned Elizabeth City hit and run lawyer can listen to the facts, gather information, and walk you through what to do next. In situations like this, it is imperative to listen to your attorney because you may face criminal charges and civil liability. Parks Zeigler, PLLC, can stand by your side in this serious and confusing situation. Laws related to hit and run crashes can be complex; the burden is on the prosecutor, and defenses are available.

Hit and Run Law

Per North Carolina General Statutes § 20-166, when the driver knows or reasonably should know they were involved in a crash, they could be charged with a misdemeanor offense. The law requires a person to stop after a collision ending in damage to a person’s vehicle, other belongings, private or public establishments, harm, or loss of life that was not reasonably known to the driver.

A hit and run lawyer in Elizabeth City can explain the state’s duty to stop law and the potential consequences of being convicted of this offense. For a first-time offense, a driver can receive up to four months of jail time, have to pay fines, have their license suspended, and have to pay money to victims when they are considered responsible.

The Burden of Proof in Hit and Run Cases

The prosecution has the burden of proving a person is guilty of a hit and run. The state must prove with reasonable certainty that:

  • An incident took place
  • The accused driver was the one operating the vehicle
  • The driver was aware the incident happened
  • The driver willfully did not come to a standstill where the incident took place
  • The incident caused the monetary damages incurred by the injured person

A dedicated Elizabeth City attorney can help an accused driver prepare an effective defense for a hit and run charge that leaves doubt about some or all of the factors the prosecution must prove.

Possible Defenses for Hit and Run Charges

There are several defenses a lawyer can make in cases where a driver is accused of a hit and run in Elizabeth City. Some typical defenses are witness misidentification, the driver did not know the incident occurred, the driver remained at the scene or did not leave for an extended time, the driver was trying to take care of an emergency, or the driver was suffering from a mental health or other medical condition.

We will build a defense that aligns with the facts of the case and protects a person from the consequences of a conviction.

Reach Out to an Elizabeth City Hit and Run Attorney to Build a Defense

A hit and run conviction can lead to severe consequences that affect many areas of your life. The attorneys at Parks Zeigler, PLLC, can work to mitigate the effects of these penalties and protect your rights. Contact an Elizabeth City hit and run lawyer to learn more about your defense options.

Areas We Serve

Centrally located on the waterfront in downtown Elizabeth City, our team provides quality legal representation across the following counties in the Northeast North Carolina region.

  • Camden County
  • Gates County
  • Chowan County
  • Pasquotank County
  • Currituck County
  • Perquimans County
  • Dare County

Also serving only criminal and traffic cases in the following counties:

  • Beaufort County
  • Tyrrell County
  • Martin County
  • Washington County

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law N/a
200 N. Water Street,
Suite 2A

Elizabeth City, NC 27909
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