Today is Flag Day! It’s always a joy seeing so many American Flags displayed for all passer-byes to see on their commute or daily walk. And while the flying of the flag in your front yard may not be given much thought, you might be surprised to know that there are some “rules” regarding the proper display of the American Flag. When you take a minute to think about it, it is understandable why such a revered and sacred symbol, so meaningful to so many, would come with a particular etiquette.
To be sure, most displays of the American Flag in our communities and neighborhoods are motivated with good will and deep respect, even if that display may not be “proper” according to these rules. For example, did you know that the Flag is only to be displayed from sunrise to sunset, with the exception of special events or occasions? Or when displaying the American Flag alongside the flag of another nation, each flag should be on their own staff and flown at equal height?
Below is just a few of the guidelines to remember when displaying the flag.
We know that people in our community take pride in our nation seriously, as it should be. As we mentioned, it’s generally safe to assume that when people display the American Flag, it comes from a genuine place. However, we thought that in the spirit of Flag Day, we’d make it official. Fly it high!
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law