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Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law
For the past twenty-five years Christy has called Virginia Beach home, but she was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and spent many of her early years traveling and attending school overseas. She attended boarding school at the Foxcroft School for Girls in Middleburg, Virginia and graduated from high school during the first Gulf War while attending the Walworth Barbour American International School in Tel Aviv, Israel. She was one of eight remaining students to graduate that year and had to carry a gas mask with her to class! She credits these early experiences with shaping her unique approach to conflict resolution both at home and in the office.
A graduate of Virginia Wesleyan College (1999) and Regent University School of Law (2002), Christy has devoted the last twenty years of her professional career to the exclusive practice of divorce and family law in Hampton Roads. She recognizes the deeply personal nature of her work, and the very real impact that having the right attorney has on her clients and their families. Christy is a current board member and past president of the Virginia Beach Bar Association and former chair of the C.L.A.S.S. program (Concerned Lawyers Advocating Spousal Safety).
When she is not working, Christy takes every opportunity to travel. She has visited almost every major city in the United States and Europe, and enjoys overseas travel to Central America, Africa, and the Middle East. Most recently, Christy spent two weeks in southern Thailand with her husband, but her most memorable trip was spent backpacking through Spain and Morocco with her son. Christy is happily married with two adult children and a new grandbaby that she adores.
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law