A stolen SSN is cause for serious concern because it grants the thief complete access to your identity. If your bank card is stolen, you can close your accounts. It’s not that simple when your SSN is stolen. If your SSN is stolen, there are 5 things you should do immediately:
1. Contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies and place a fraud alert on your profile. The agency to which you reported will notify the other two.
2. Notify all three agencies that your SSN has been stolen. They will give you a free copy of your most recent credit report.
3. Report the incident to the IRS.
4. Report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission.
5. Report the incident to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. They will notify all relevant federal, state, and local authorities.
In addition, you should monitor your accounts closely and report any suspicious activity to your credit card company and bank.
Call toll-free at 888-691-9319 or you can fill out this short form to get started.
Identity Theft: Taking Back Your Life
Credit Agencies and Your Rights
Should I Get a New Social Security Number if Mine is Stolen?
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law