i Elizabeth City Probate Lawyer | Asset Distribution Process

Elizabeth City Probate Lawyer

Under the laws of North Carolina, probate is the legal process that begins after an individual passes away. This process will occur whether the person who died, also known as the decedent, has a valid will or not. If the decedent dies with a valid will, then their property and other assets will be distributed according to the terms and conditions outlined in the will.

The process of probate involves verification through the court of the existence and validity of the will. If, for some reason, the decedent failed to draft a will, the probate process becomes more difficult to navigate. This is mostly due to the fact that there is now a legal need to locate the decedent’s assets and potential heirs.

Probate law can be extremely complicated and difficult to understand. Our estate planning attorneys at Parks Zeigler can assist you in the various stages of probate and file any legal paperwork if necessary. An Elizabeth City probate lawyer is ready to help.

What Does an Executor of a Will Do?

The executor of a will, sometimes referred to as a personal representative, has numerous responsibilities when it comes to distributing assets and other affairs that relate to managing the estate. Some of those duties include:

  • Locating the decedent’s will.
  • Gathering all of the information necessary regarding the decedent’s assets.
  • Take appropriate measures to safeguard the assets as well as the property of the estate.
  • Handle all required court filings with accuracy in a timely manner.
  • Inventory all estate assets.
  • Properly notify creditors.
  • Pay all outstanding debts owed by the estate.
  • Act in the best interests of the estate.
  • Properly allocate and distribute assets to the estate’s beneficiaries.

Being the executor of a will can be an enormous responsibility. Often the executor may encounter various and unforeseen legal issues that arise when attempting to settle a decedent’s estate. If you need legal advice, our Elizabeth City lawyers recognize how to deal with these types of probate issues. We can help you file all of the required legal paperwork along with any other legal matters that may arise.

Type of Assets That Have to Go Through Probate

Generally speaking, the type of assets that are normally subjected to probate are those that only have the decedent’s name listed on them with no co-owner. Some common examples include:

  • Bank accounts with no co-owner and no one listed as a beneficiary upon the death of the account holder.
  • Stocks and bonds only in the decedent’s name.
  • Real estate, such as a house or property with no co-owner.
  • Other valuable possessions such as household furniture, jewelry, and vehicles which are only registered in the decedent’s name.

An attorney in Elizabeth City can help determine which assets will go though probate court.

Is Probate Complicated?

The legal process of probate can be very lengthy and time-consuming for your loved ones after you have passed away. One thing that can definitely make things easier for them would be to make a legal will. In doing this, you can have the assurance and peace of mind that your final wishes and desires will be carried out in the manner that you specify in your will. Another aspect of probate is the fact that it can also be quite costly to have to deal with the court in matters related to an estate. A lawyer in Elizabeth City can help make the probate process less complicated.

Our Team of Elizabeth City Probate Attorneys Can Help

The Elizabeth City probate lawyers at Parks Zeigler understand all of the legal complexities that are related to the probate process. We can gladly assist you with drafting a will that will stand up to legal scrutiny and help your loved ones avoid an unnecessarily complicated probate process. Contact our office and schedule an appointment to speak with a knowledgeable member of our legal team. We can explore your legal options and design a will for your specific needs and circumstances.

Areas We Serve

Centrally located on the waterfront in downtown Elizabeth City, our team provides quality legal representation across the following counties in the Northeast North Carolina region.

  • Camden County
  • Gates County
  • Chowan County
  • Pasquotank County
  • Currituck County
  • Perquimans County
  • Dare County

Also serving only criminal and traffic cases in the following counties:

  • Beaufort County
  • Tyrrell County
  • Martin County
  • Washington County

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law

Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law N/a
4768 Euclid Road,
Suite 103

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
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524 Albemarle Drive,
Suite 200

Chesapeake, Virginia 23322
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200 N. Water Street,
Suite 2A

Elizabeth City, NC 27909
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