The suspension of driving privileges can happen for different reasons under Virginia law. If you have lost your license, the inability to drive can impact everything from getting to work to picking up your children from school.
The good news is that many people are eligible for restricted driving privileges, but not everyone is approved. A skilled traffic attorney could help with this process. Instead of dealing with these challenges on your own, you could benefit from a discussion with a Chesapeake restricted license lawyer.
There is a common misconception that someone with a suspended license will automatically transition to restricted driving privileges. The reality is that not everyone will qualify for a restricted license, and there is a process to secure one. When a person’s driving privileges are revoked or suspended, they are gone in their entirety. There is no situation where operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway is legal.
There are, however, situations where a person who has lost their driving privileges can petition the court for a restricted license. The most important factor is the reason for the suspension. A Chesapeake attorney can assist with determining the path to secure a restricted license.
The most common reason for losing driving privileges involves a drunk driving conviction. Every DUI conviction brings with it the suspension of driving privileges, but first-time offenders are eligible to apply for a restricted license. In this scenario, the judge has some flexibility on whether or not the license is awarded or not. That is where the guidance of an attorney can be invaluable.
A common part of being found guilty of any infraction or crime is the assessment of court costs and fines. The only option for getting a restricted license in this scenario is to enter into a payment plan with the court and secure approval from the judge.
Virginia’s Department of Motor Vehicles assigns points to motorists when they are ticketed for moving violations. Too many accumulated points over the course of a set period of time can result in a suspension of driving privileges. A restricted license may be available for someone facing their first points suspension.
Not every restricted license is the same. Judges have the power to award a license to qualifying drivers, but they also have leeway in what that person is allowed to do with it. Typically, these licenses allow a person to drive to school or work. More expansive options can be available when necessary. These include driving to and from:
Because the court has some flexibility in how these licenses are structured, it is a good idea to rely on legal counsel who could make a strong argument for favorable conditions. Let a lawyer serving Chesapeake assist with securing a restricted license.
Restricted driver’s licenses are a privilege, and not everyone who is eligible will receive one. The support from the right attorney could improve your odds.
Let a Chesapeake restricted license lawyer help you petition the court for expanded privileges. Reach out immediately for a confidential consultation.
With an office near Town Center, Virginia Beach and a second location beside the Chesapeake courthouse, our team provides quality legal representation across the entire Hampton Roads Area.
Parks Zeigler, PLLC – Attorneys At Law